If you have been defrauded by Gene Steele please send us a message using the contact form and we will publish your review.

  • Arpan S.
  • In a few words Gene Steele is a crook and a con. We hired him for a gut rehab and he stole $30k from us and abandoned us in the middle of the project. The short time we worked with him was a nightmare as he has the emotional maturity of a 3 yr old. He had daily tantrums, threaten to quit and put me and my business partners down at every turn. Here are some more reviews from around the web

  • Aaliyah A.
  • I would not recommend Gene Construction to anyone. Gene Steele is a very immature and unprofessional man. He yelled at me on the phone and threatened to quit the job after taking my money.

  • Benjamin B.
  • I hired Gene to build a new deck on my house. They started the job on time and everything seemed to be going well. However, after a few weeks, Gene started to get very behind schedule. He would often show up late to work and he would disappear for days at a time. When I tried to contact him, he would either not return my calls or he would be very rude to me.

  • Mike B.
  • We hired the handyman Gene Steele to unclog our toilet. He came in, closed the door, and pretended to work for 30 minutes. When he finally came out, he said he couldn’t fix the toilet and that he would need to come back with more tools. However, I swear the toilet was more full when he left than when he arrived. I think he just had to use the bathroom and decided to do it in our clogged toilet instead of leaving and finding a public restroom. He then left without charging us anything. We were furious when we realized what had happened. We will never use Gene again and would not recommend him to anyone.

  • Chloe C.
  • Finally, after 6 weeks, Gene abandoned the job. He left the deck half-finished and he refused to return my calls or emails. I had to hire another contractor to finish the job and it cost me an extra $5,000.

  • David D.
  • I would strongly advise anyone who is considering hiring Gene Construction to think twice. He is a dishonest and unprofessional man who will take your money and run. I hired him to paint my house, and he was nothing but a nightmare. He showed up late for the first day of work, and he left early every day after that. He did not do the work that he said he would do, and he used cheap materials that were not up to par. When I tried to contact him about the problems, he yelled at me over the phone and hung up on me. I would not recommend Gene Construction to anyone.

  • Elijah E.
  • I had a terrible experience with Gene Steele. I hired them to refinish my hardwood floors. They started the job on time and everything seemed to be going well. However, after a few days, I noticed that the work was not being done to my satisfaction. The floors were not sanded evenly and the finish was not applied correctly. I tried to contact Gene, but he would not return my calls. Finally, after a week, I had to fire Gene Construction and hire another contractor to finish the job. It cost me an extra $1,000.

  • Faith F.
  • I hired Gene Construction to fix my leaky roof. They came to my house, looked at the roof, and gave me a quote. I paid them the deposit, and they said they would start work the next day. However, they never showed up. I called them several times, but they never returned my calls. After a week, I went to their office, and they were closed. I tried to find them online, but their website was gone. I am now out $3,000 and my roof is still leaking. His name should really be Gene Steals cause he does that a lot.

  • Gabriel G.
  • I hired Gene Construction to build a new fence. They started the job on time and everything seemed to be going well. However, after a few weeks, they stopped showing up. I tried to contact them, but they never returned his calls. I eventually had to hire another contractor to finish the job.

  • Hannah H.
  • I would not recommend Gene Construction to anyone. They are unprofessional and unreliable. They took my money and never finished the job.

  • Isabella I.
  • I hired Gene Construction to remodel my kitchen. They did a terrible job. The work was sloppy and the materials were cheap. I had to hire another contractor to fix their mistakes.

  • Joshua J.
  • I would not recommend Gene Construction to anyone. They are a waste of time and money. They will take your money and not do the work.